F Writing : comparative article : ( exemple ) ~ english is easy

dimanche 1 juillet 2018

Writing : comparative article : ( exemple )

Writing : comparative article : ( exemple )

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "school and university"

The difference between  the  study at high school and university 

      High schools and universities are educational institutions that play an important role in preparing students to the future . However , there are many similarities and differences between studying at the university at the high school .
    There are many similarities between high school studies and university studies . To start with , both high schools and universities provide students with formal education , which means that lessons take place in an organized educational atmosphere guided by a teacher. Moreover , students follow a pre-prepared timetable of courses and lessons which are variable from one class to another . What’s more , both university studies and high school studies require sitting for exams by the end of every school studies year . Therefore , students who finish their studies successfully obtain a diploma .
          On the other hand , there are many differences between studying at university  and studying at high school . Firstly , in high schools students have lessons in classrooms of about 40 students while at the university students study in amphitheatre  of about 250 students . Another difference is that in high schools the process of teaching-learning depends mainly on the teacher who bring the information explain it and test it to make sure the students understood it , but at the university , students have to make much more responsibility of their learning .
       To sum up , we can say that university and high school studies share many similarities and have difference . I personally believe that the complement each other and the good high school education would open a large gate towards abetter university studies .

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