F Introduction to the theme of the number 7 :(citizenship ) ~ english is easy

vendredi 3 août 2018

Introduction to the theme of the number 7 :(citizenship )

Introduction to the theme of the number 7 :(citizenship )
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "citizenship"

Seyinezs discussion :

    Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote
                                George James
                        American written
The job of the citizen is to keep his mouth open .
                      Gunter grass
                                ( German poet)

 What is citizenship ?

  Refers to having a sense of belonging to a party / homeland .

How it the relationship between the citizen ant the state ? 

    the relationship between the citizen ant the state is based on a social

·    the rights and duties of a citizenship:

rights :
-       Right to vote
-       Security of person
-       Right to education
-       Right to movement
-       Right to believe
-       Right to life
Duties :
-       Voting
-       Respect cocitizens
-       Care for environment
-       Do community service
-       Do voluntary work
-       Participate in association 

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